Nikola Tesla- The best Engineer that has ever lived on earth. Nikola Tesla, the Serbian-American engineer, inventor, and futurist is one of the highly reputable figure in engineering particularly Electrical engineering. He made a lot of breakthrough in electricity at large and also the invention of wireless controller(he built one to control his small boat). He also initiated the developement of alternating current. Tesla was ahead of his time and a genius to be reckoned with and admired even despite the ill treatment of Thomas Edison, he still kept his hope alive. Tesla has predicted a lot about the future of the human race in the late 1800. Some of which includes; People being able to see themselves on phone without leaving their home(telepresence), people using flying cars(and vehicles), the human race being able to travel outside Earth and many more were some of Tesla's predictions. Tesla had all the knowledge to power the whole Earth without us burning a gram of coal. His idea...
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