Converting a webpage into a PDF file.
* Open any browser(Google chrome, explorer or Mozilla Firefox).
* Go to the page you want yo convert to PDF.
* Press control+P(for Windows PC) or command+P(for Mac PC) to display the print dialogue.
* Change the destination to "Save as PDF" and click the save button.
* Your PDF is ready.
How to make the computer talk to you.
Open notepad and type these:
strText=inputbox("What should Sam say?", "Sam")
Set objVoice=Create object("SAPI.SpVoice")
ObjVoice.speak strText
Save it with anything you wish to save it as '.vbs'
Improve the speed of your file sharing
Go to 'run' then type, SHRPUBW.EXE after that, click enter.
Select the folder you want to share your files to and give permission.
It's all ready.